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What’s in your supplement? Are you confident of the quality in that bottle? Are you sure whats in there is what you actually paid for?
If you are unsure, we certainly don’t blame you. There’s seemingly a different “renown” or “prestigious” company in the news every month over not meeting label claims or selling tainted supplements.
And don't get us started when it comes to companies sneakily enrolling you into an "auto-ship" scam where your charged for a product every month that you thought was a one-time buy.
Unfortunately, there's a lot of uncertainty when it comes to buying health products right now.
Our mission was to create the best possible experience for anyone who wants to improve their health. One filled with integrity and transparency.
And part of creating the best possible experience is our duty to be an absolute authority when it comes to health and nutrition products.
What does it mean to be an authority? Ignoring the "authoritative" connotation associated with the word “authority,” it also means:
While new supplement and nutrition brands are starting up left and right, two things continue to be glossed over by the overwhelming majority: quality and transparency.
Here's a troubling surprise: most of the "nutrition brands" out there are really glorified marketing companies that sell cheap products at exorbitant prices to feed the marketing machine.
They're experts in marketing, but they're not experts when it comes to product development and cleanliness.
And that's where the Vitauthority difference comes into play.
We have years of product development experience under our belts to produce the highest-quality product that delivers results.
Everything is formulated to ensure you, our customer and friend, get the most enjoyable experience possible.
If you don’t like the product? No problem. Please just tell us how we can do better and we’ll refund you immediately. We stand 100% by our products and are willing to go toe-to-toe with anyone in the industry when it comes to the highest quality product.
Simply put, we will not be outworked when it comes to the smallest of details.
If you have had a poor experience in the past with another company, we apologize on their behalf.
Let us show you how dietary supplements should be crafted for your health and well-being.
Your friend & the experts,